Barbara A. Bradley

- Professor, Reading Education
- Elementary Education Program Coordinator
Contact Info
Office Phone:
Department Phone:
Joseph R. Pearson Hall, room #316
Personal Links
Biography —
Barbara A. Bradley, professor, joined the KU faculty in the fall of 2004. Barbara earned a BS degree from SUNY at Stony Brook in biology and psychology, an MA degree in physical education from Adelphi University, and a PhD in reading education from The University of Georgia. She has 14 years experience teaching preschool-aged children with special needs and taught in New York, Virginia, and Colorado. Websites: Study Abroad in Carpi, Italy 2018 Capri, Italy Study Abroad Flyer:
Research —
Barbara's research focuses on early literacy, particularly language development and book sharing with information texts. She is co-author of the book, Revitalizing Read Alouds: Interactive Talk About Books With Young Children, PreK-2. Barbara often uses the approach of design-based research or formative experiments to investigate educational issues, and she co-authored the book, On Formative and Design Experiments. Finally, Barbara directs a 4-week summer study abroad in Italy for education majors and has several publications related to this program Barbara has published research in Early Childhood Research Quarterly, Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, Early Child Development and Care, Journal of Literacy Research, The Reading Teacher, Science and Children, School Psychology Review, and School Psychology Quarterly. She presents her research at the national/international conferences such as the Literacy Research Association (LRA) and American Educational Research Association (AERA). She currently serves on the editorial review board for Reading Research Quarterly.
Research interests:
- Preschool
- early childhood
- early literacy
- book sharing with informational texts
- read alouds
- oral language development
- formative experiments
- design research
- design-based research
Teaching —
Barbara teaches undergraduate courses related to literacy in the elementary grades and graduate courses related to early literacy and beginning reading, reading comprehension, and reading research. Courses: C&T 352 & 353: Literacy Instruction for the Primary Grades & Practicum C&T 354 & 355: Literacy Instruction for the Intermediate Grades & Practicum C&T 649 & 749: An International Teaching Experience C&T 741: Comprehension and Study Strategies C&T 840: Emergent Literacy and Beginning Reading C&T 841: Early Intervention Reading Practicum C&T 844: The Reading Program: Coordination and Supervision C&T 940: Evaluation of Reading Research C&T 998: Introduction to Graduate Studies
Teaching interests:
- preschool
- elementary education
- early literacy
- beginning reading
- reading comprehension
Selected Publications —
McKenney, S., & Bradley, B. (2016). Assessing teacher beliefs about early literacy curriculum implementation. [Journal Articles]. Early Child Development and Care, 186(9), 1415–1428.
Bradley, B. A. (2016). Integrating the Curriculum to Engage and Challenge Children [Journal Articles]. Young Children, 71(3), 8 – 16.
Price, L. H., & Bradley, B. A. (2016). Revitalizing Read Alouds: Interactive Talk About Books With Young Children, PreK-2 [Books]. Teachers College Press.
Belo, N., McKenney, S., Voogt, J., & Bradley, B. (2016). Teacher knowledge for using technology to foster early literacy: A literature review [Journal Articles]. Computers in Human Behavior, 60, 372 – 383.
Knight, J., Elford, M. D., Hock, M., Dunekack, D., Bradley, B., Deschler, D., & Knight, D. (2015). The Instructional Coaching Cycle: Essential Skills for Instructional Coaches [Journal Articles]. Journal of Staff Development , 36(1), 10–18.
Bradley, B. A. (2013). A formative experiment to enhance teacher-child interactions in a preschool classroom. [Book Chapters]. In Educational design research: Introduction and illustrative cases. .
Bradley, B. A., Knight, J., Harvey, S., Knight, D., Thomas, S., Irma, B.-H., & Donald, D. (2013). Improving instructional coaching to support middle school teachers in the United States [Book Chapters]. In Educational design research – Part B: Introduction and illustrative cases.
Price, L. H., Bradley, B. A., & Smith, J. (2012). A comparison of preschool teachers’ talk during storybooks and information book read alouds [Journal Articles]. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 27, 426–440.
Bradley, B. A., Colwell, J., Hall, L. A., Fisher, D., Frey, N., Baumann, J. F., & Reinking, D. (2012). Clarifying formative experiments in literacy research [Other]. In P. J. Dunston, S. K. Fullerton, C. C. Bates, K. Headley, & P. M. Stecker (Eds.), 61st Literacy Research Association Yearbook. Literacy Research Association.
Knight, J., Bradley, B. A., Hock, M., Skritc, T., Knight, D., Brasseur-Hock, I., Deshler, D., Ruggles, M., & Hatton, C. (2012). You can learn a lot by watching: How video can be used to accelerate professional learning [Journal Articles]. The Journal of Staff Development, 33(2), 18–23.
Bradley, B. A., & Reinking, D. (2011). A formative experiment to enhance language interactions in a preschool classroom [Journal Articles]. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 11(3), 362–401.
Bradley, B. A., & Reinking, D. (2011). Enhancing research and practice in early childhood through formative and design experiments [Journal Articles]. Early Childhood Development and Care, 81(3), 305–319.
Bradley, B. A., & Reinking, D. (2011). Revisiting the connection between research and practice using design research and formative experiments [Book Chapters]. In N. Duke & M. Mallette (Eds.), Literacy research methods (pp. 188–212). Guilford Press.
Schwanenflugel, P. J., Hamilton, C. E., Neuharth-Pritchett, S., Restrepo, M. A., Bradley, B. A., & Webb, M. Y. (2010). PAVEd for Success: An evaluation of a comprehensive preliteracy program for 4-year-old children [Journal Articles]. Journal of Literacy Research, 42(3), 227–275.
Bradley, B. A., & Jones, J. (2010). Sharing alphabet books in early childhood classrooms [Book Chapters]. In D. Stickland (Ed.), Essential Readings on Early Literacy (pp. 70–82). International Reading Association.
Meisinger, E. B., Bradley, B. A., Schwanenflugel, P. J., & Kuhn, M. R. (2010). Teachers’ perception of word callers and related literacy concepts [Journal Articles]. School Pyschology Review, 39(1), 54–68.
Meisinger, E. B., Bradley, B. A., Schwanenflugel, P. J., & Kuhn, M. R. (2009). Myth and reality of the word caller: The relationship between teacher nominations and prevalence among elementary school children [Journal Articles]. School Pyschology Quarterly, 24(3), 147–159.
Meisinger, E. B., & Bradley, B. A. (2008). Classroom practices for supporting fluency development [Book Chapters]. In M. R. Kuhn & P. J. Schwanenflugel (Eds.), Fluency in the classroom (pp. 36–54). Guilford Press.
Reinking, D., & Bradley, B. A. (2008). On formative and design experiments: Approaches to language and literacy research [Books]. Teachers College Press.
Bradley, B. A., & Jones, J. (2007). Sharing alphabet books in early childhood classrooms [Journal Articles]. The Reading Teacher, 60(5), 452–463.
Kuhn, M. R., Schwanenflugel, P. J., Morris, R. D., Morrow, L. M., Meisinger, E., Woo, D., Bradley, B. A., & Stahl, S. A. (2006). Teaching Children to become fluent and automatic readers [Journal Articles]. Journal of Literacy Research, 38(4), 357–387.
Bradley, B. A. (revising to resubmit/in review). Around and around the water cycle. Science and Children. [Journal Articles]. Science and Children.
Bradley, B. A. (submitted/in review). So You Want to Flip Your class? Read This First [Journal Articles]. New Teacher Advocate.
Selected Presentations —
Bradley, B. A., & Price, L. H. (11/30/2016). Engaging Preschool to Grade 2 Students in Responsive-Interactive Reading Alouds Using a Variety of Genres. National Association for the Education of Young Children. Los Angeles, CA
Price, L. H., & Bradley, B. A. (11/30/2016). Using Interactive Talk About Books to Achieve Language Treatment Goals. Annual convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Philadelphia, PA
Rowland, A., Hare, J., Ault, M., Bradley, B. A., & Ellis, J. (6/30/2015). Social Media for Learning: Platform Preferences, Digital Citizenship and Authenticity. International Society for Technology in Education. Philadelphia, PA
Bradley, B. A., Hock, M., Brasseur-Hock, I., Deshler, D., Arthur, M., & Ruggles, M. (4/30/2015). Exploring Flipped Learning in Three High School Classrooms. American Educational Research Association. Chicago, IL
Ellis, J., Rowland, A., Bulgren, J., Ault, M., Hare, J., & Bradley, B. (1/31/2015). Using Social Media to Enhance the Practice of Scientific Argumentation. Association for Science Teacher Education. Portland, Oregon
Bradley, B. A., Hock, M., Brasseur-Hock, I., Deshler, D., Arthur, M., & Ruggles, M. (12/3/2014). Exploring Flipped Learning in Middle and High Schools. Literacy Research Association. Marco Island, Florida
Bradley, B. A., & Price, L. H. (4/30/2013). Read-Alouds in Early Childhood Classrooms: Rethinking Genre and Teacher Talk to Scaffold Children’s Language and Learning, In L.B. Gambrell & S.B. Neuman (co-chairs) of the Reading Research Institute: Next Steps in the Implementation of Common Standards. International Reading Association. San Antonio, TX
Bradley, B. A., Rocha, L. S., Jorgensen, K. A., & Schloegel, M. (12/31/2012). Monolingual and Bilingual Preschool Teachers Reading Information Books Aloud with Emerging Bilingual Children. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Literacy Research Association. San Diego, CA
Bradley, B. A., Rocha, L. S., Jorgensen, K. A., & Schloegel, M. (12/31/2012). Monolingual and Bilingual Preschool Teachers Reading Information Books Aloud with Emerging Bilingual Children. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Literacy Research Association. San Diego, CA
Bradley, B. A., Smith-Maybon, A., Puccetti, A., & Jorgensen, K. (10/31/2012). Teaching and Learning with iPads in an Elementary Teacher Education Program. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Kansas Reading Association. Lawrence, KS
Bradley, B. A., & Price, L. H. (4/30/2012). Preschool Teachers' Repeated Readings of Thematically Related Books to Children. Poster to be presented at the annual conference of the American Educational Research Association. Vancouver, BC, Canada
Knight, D. S., Hock, M. F., Knight, J., Skrtic, T. M., & Bradley, B. A. (12/31/2012). Measuring the Impact of Instructional Coaching: Evidence from Classroom Observations. Round table presented at the annual conference of the American Educational Research Association. Vancouver, Canada
Awards & Honors —
Andrew Heiskill Award for Innovation in International Education Study Abroad
Institute of International Education
Institute of International Education
Division K (Teaching & Teacher Education) Early Career Seminar
American Educational Research Association
American Educational Research Association
Distinguished Finalist, Outstanding Dissertation of the Year
International Reading Association
International Reading Association
Dissertation Award
American Educational Research Association, Special Interest Group: Early Education/Child Development
American Educational Research Association, Special Interest Group: Early Education/Child Development
Grants & Other Funded Activity —
Integrating Information Books into Early Childhood Classrooms. University of Kansas. $5587.00. (1/1/2009 - 12/31/2011). University (KU or KUMC). Status: Funded
The Influence of a Study Abroad Program on Pre-Service Teachers' Self-Efficacy to Engage in Culturally Responsive Teaching Practice. Summer Research Support Fund, School of Education. $1215.00. (12/31/2010). University (KU or KUMC). Status: Funded
A Formative Experiment Investigating Expository Text Read Alouds in Early Childhood Classrooms. University of Kansas. $8000.00. (1/1/2006 - 12/31/2008). University (KU or KUMC). Status: Funded
Administration of Children, Youth and Families. $52720.00. (1/1/2006 - 12/31/2007). Federal. Status: Funded. PI for professional development, with R. Minder (PI), Program for Partnerships in Early Learning project (2006 – 2008), funded by the Administration of Children, Youth and Families ($853,605).
Second Grade Reading Fluency. National Institutes of Health and the National Science Foundation. $138500.00. (1/1/2004 - 12/31/2007). Federal. Status: Funded. Subcontract from the University of Georgia with P. Schwanenflugel (PI), M. Kuhn (Co-PI), R. Morris (co-PI), L. Morrow (co-PI), The Development of Fluent and Automatic Reading: Precursor to Learning from Text (2000 – 2007), funded by the National Institutes of Health and the National Science Foundation ($848,483).