Cheryl Wright

Cheryl Wright
  • Assistant Teaching Professor

Contact Info

Joseph R. Pearson Hall, room #343
1122 W. Campus Road
Lawrence, KS 66045-3101


Cheryl J. Wright, assistant teaching professor, joined the KU Department of Curriculum and Teaching in the spring of 2016. Wright earned a BS in speech pathology from Ball State University in Muncie, IN, a MSEd from KU in special education, and the PhD in curriculum and instruction also from the University of Kansas. Wright’s areas of research focus on students’ perceptions of what contributes to effective student performance and culturally responsive inquiry learning.

As a longtime practitioner in the field of education, Wright has taught grades K-12, served as an instructional coach, professional development facilitator for the Kansas State Department of Education, and as a team member and contributing author on the Educator Advisory Committee of the Global Oneness Project.




Research Interests

Approaches to Curriculum Reform - Transformative Education Evidence-based practices that support interactive and positive learning environments; facilitate rich dialogue, inquiry, and growth; Application of real-world knowledge to be a changemaker.