Dorothy E. Hines

- Associate Professor in Curriculum & Teaching
- Associate Professor of African and African-American Studies
Contact Info
Biography —
Dr. Dorothy E. Hines holds a joint appointment as an Associate Professor in African and African American Studies, and an Associate Professor in the Department of Curriculum and Teaching in the School of Education. She received a Ph.D. in Education Policy from Michigan State University. Dr. Hines holds a Master's Degree in Public Administration from North Carolina Central University graduating Magna Cum Laude. Dr. Hines is a former high school U.S. History teacher, and she received a Bachelor's Degree in Political Science from North Carolina State University. Previously Dr. Hines served as a Teaching Fellow with the Harvard Graduate School of Education at Harvard University. She holds a certificate in Theology and Ministry from Princeton Theological Seminary at Princeton University.
Research —
Dr. Hines is an award-winning writer and author of several publications that examine the intersections of race, gender, and space in structuring racial inequality in schools. Dr. Hines' research examines the racialized and gendered schooling experiences of Black students with a focus on Black girls and girls of color.
Research interests:
- Urban Education, Race and Gender Equity, Black Children, Education Policy, and Teacher Education
Selected Publications —
Hines, D. E., Young, J. L., Zamora, R., & Wandix-White, D. (2020). Can We Talk?: Promoting Anti-Oppressive Futures for Girls of Color through a Social Justice Enrichment Program [Book Chapters]. In Acts of Resistance: Subversive Teaching in the English Language Arts Classroom. Myers Education Press.
Young, J. L., & Hines, D. E. (2020). Promotion while Pregnant and Black: Presumptions of Incompetence, Incapability, and Impossibility [Book Chapters]. In Presumed Incompetent (Vol. 2). Utah State University Press.
Hines, D. E. (2019). When Girls Spit: The Power of Integrating Spoken Word into the Curriculum [Other]. Edutopia.
Hines, D. E., King, R., & Ford, D. Y. (2018). Black Students in Handcuffs: Addressing Racial Disproportionality in School Discipline for Students with Dis/abilities [Journal Articles]. Teachers College Record. Published.
Young, J., & Hines, D. E. (2018). Even Cinderella is White: (Re)Centering Black Girls’ Voices as Literacies of Resistance in English Education [Journal Articles]. English Education Journal. Published.
Hines, D. E., & Wilmot, J. M. (2018). From Spirit-Murdering to Spirit-Healing: Addressing Antiblack Aggressions and the Inhumane Discipline of Black Children [Journal Articles]. Multicultural Perspectives Journal. Published.
Young, J. L., & Hines, D. E. (2018). Killing My Spirit, Renewing My Soul: Black Female Professors’ Critical Reflections on Spirit Killings while Teaching [Other]. In Women, Gender, and Families of Color. University of Illinois Press.
Evans-Winters, V., Hines, D. E., Moore, D., & Lawrence, T. (2018). Locating Black Girls in Educational Policy Discourse: Implications for Every Student Succeeds Act [Journal Articles]. Teachers College Record. Published.
Whitaker, M., & Hines, D. E. (2018). Teaching What We Don’t Know: Community-based Learning as a Tool for Implementing Critical Race Praxis [Book Chapters]. In Service-Learning Initiatives in Teacher Education Programs. IGI.
Hines-Datiri, D. (2017). Cloaked in Invisibility: Dropout-Recovery Narratives of Girls of Color After Re-enrollment. [Journal Articles]. Women, Gender, and Families of Color. Published.
Hines-Datiri , D., & Carter Andrews, D. J. (2017). The Effects of Zero Tolerance Policies on Black Girls: Using Critical Race Feminism and Figured Worlds to Examine School Discipline [Journal Articles]. Urban Education. Published.
Hines-Datiri , D. (2016). Resisting Internalized Racism: RACE Mentoring as a Survival Strategy in the Ivory (Issue 1st edition) [Book Chapters]. J.M. Scott-Carrol & D. Y. Ford (Eds), Race mentoring through social media: Black and Hispanic scholars share their journey in the academy. Information Age Publishing. .
Hines-Datiri, D. (2015). When Police Intervene: Race, Gender, and Discipline of Black Male Students at an Urban High School [Journal Articles]. Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership, 18(2).
Hines, D. E., & Young, J. L. (accepted/in press). In Fear of My Safety: Black Female Faculty Responding to Spirit-Murdering, Racism, and Healing on the Academic Plantation [Book Chapters]. In The Undivided Life: Faculty of Color Bringing Our Whole Selves to the Academy. Information Age Publishing .
Hines, D. E., Boveda, M., Hollis, T., & Lindo, E. (accepted/in press). Racism by Another Name: Black Students, Overrepresentation, and Carcerality in Special Education [Books]. Information Age Publishing .
Mortenson , L., & Hines, D. E. (accepted/in press). Training is Not Enough: How School Resource Officers Contribute to the Criminalization of Black Students [Book Chapters]. In Dear Secretary DeVos: What We Want You to Know About Education. Sense Publications.
Selected Presentations —
Boveda, M., Ransom, J., Aronson, B., Hines, D. E., & Jackson, I. (12/31/2018). A Review of Intersectionality as a Lens Across Equity-Based Research in Education. American Educational Research Association. New York, New York
Hines Datiri, D. (12/31/2018). Leading Difficult Conversations and Handling Hot Moments. Ku Office for Diversity and Equity. Lawrence, KS
Hines, D. E. (12/31/2017). “Do You Really Need A Gun For That”? : Racial Trauma, Zero Tolerance, and the Ritualistic Policing of Black Girlhood. Hall Center Fall Urban Experience Seminar. Hall Center: University of Kansas. Lawrence, Kansas
Awards & Honors —
Community Engaged Scholarship Award (2019 Recipient)
University of Kansas
Social Justice Fellow at the University of Kansas
University of Kansas Office of Multicultural Affairs (2018 Cohort)
Paula Silver Case Award
University Council of Educational Administrators (UCEA)