Douglas Wayne Huffman

- Professor
- Associate Dean for Teacher Education and Undergraduate Programs
Contact Info
Biography —
Douglas Huffman is a Professor of Science Education and Associate Dean for Teacher Education and Undergraduate Programs in the School of Education & Human Sciences at the University of Kansas. Dr. Huffman joined the KU faculty in the fall of 2002 coming to the university from the University of Minnesota. He has a background in civil engineering, science education, and program evaluation. His primary area of research is assessment and evaluation in science education. He has served as principal or co-principal investigator on numerous National Science Foundation grants, including his most recent research grant, 'Linking Cognitive Science, Measurement Theory, and Evaluation in the Development of Scientific Reasoning.' He has also evaluated numerous National Science Foundation projects including the Collaborative for Excellence in Teacher Preparation (CETP), State Systemic Initiatives (SSI), and the Collaborative Evaluation Communities (CEC). Dr. Huffman has also served as an associate editor of the Journal of Research in Science Teaching, and has published his work in journals such as the American Journal of Evaluation, New Directions for Evaluation, and the Journal of Research in Science Teaching. Dr. Huffman specializes in elementary science education with emphasis in assessment and evaluation.
Teaching —
Courses: C&T 349: Teaching Science in the Elementary School