Heidi L. Hallman

- Chair, Department of Curriculum and Teaching
- Professor
- Secondary English Education Program Coordinator
Contact Info
Joseph R. Pearson Hall, room #338
Biography —
Heidi L. Hallman, Professor of English education, joined the faculty in 2007. Hallman received her B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her research interests include studying "at risk" students' literacy learning as well as how prospective English teachers are prepared to teach in diverse school contexts. Hallman's co-authored book, Secondary English Teacher Education in the United States, was the winner of NCTE's 2018 Richard A. Meade award for Outstanding research in the field of English education. Hallman's work has been published in journals such as English Education, Teacher Education Quarterly, Equity & Excellence in Education, Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, English Journal, Reflective Practice, and The ALAN Review, among others. In 2010 and 2013, Hallman received the Conference on English Education's Research Initiative Grant. Dr. Hallman teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in English education. Upon arriving at KU, she implemented service-learning into the English/ Language Arts teacher education program as a way to expand English/ language arts teacher preparation and development. Dr. Hallman specializes in middle and secondary English education.
Research —
Dr. Hallman's research and teaching are framed through sociocultural and critical approaches to curriculum, literacy, and learning. Two specific lines of inquiry shape her research: 1) The preparation of prospective English teachers, especially as this preparation relates to teaching in diverse school contexts, and 2) the literacy learning of "at risk" adolescents.
Research interests:
- Sociocultural theories of Language and Literacy
- Social Contexts of Language and Literacy Development
- At-risk learners
- Ethnographic and Qualitative approaches to research
Teaching —
Heidi L. Hallman teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in English/ Language Arts education.
Teaching interests:
- English/ Language Arts
- Middle and Secondary English Education
- teacher identity
- service learning
- methods and field experiences in English/ Language Arts teacher education
Selected Publications —
Hallman, H., Hallman, H. L., Pastore-Capuana, K., & Pasternak, D. L. (2019). Possibilities, Challenges, and Changes in English Teacher Education Today: Exploring Identity and Professionalization [Books]. Rowman & Littlefield.
Hallman, H., Hallman, H. L., Pastore-Capuana, K., & Pasternak, D. L. (2019). Using Tension as a Resource: New Visions in the Teaching of the English Language Arts Methods Class [Books]. Rowman & Littlefield.
Hallman, H. L., & Kindelsperger, A. (2019). Reconceptualizing Curriculum, Literacy, and Learning for School-Age Mothers [Books]. Routledge.
Pasternak, D. L., Caughlan, S., Hallman, H. L., Renzi, L., & Rush, L. S. (2018). Secondary English Teacher Education in the United States: Responding to a Changing Context [Books]. Bloomsbury Publishing.
Warner, C. K., & Hallman, H. L. (2017). A communities of practice approach to field experiences in teacher education. [Journal Articles]. Brock Education: Journal of Educational Research and Practice, 26(2), 16–33.
Caughlan, S., Pasternak, D. L., Hallman, H. L., Renzi, L., Rush, L., & Frisby, M. (2017). How English Language Arts Teachers Are Prepared for 21st-Century Classrooms: Results of a National Survey [Journal Articles]. English Education, 49(3), 265–297.
Hallman, H. L., & Meineke, H. (2017). Addressing the teaching of English language learners in the United States: A case study of teacher educators’ response [Journal Articles]. Brock Education: Journal of Educational Research and Practice, 26(1), 68–82.
(2017). Innovations in English Language Arts Teacher Education (H. L. Hallman, Ed.) [Books]. Emerald Publishing.
Hallman, H. L. (2017). Millennial Teachers: Learning to teach in uncertain times [Books]. Routledge.
Hallman, H. L. (2015). Teacher as Shape-Shifter: Exploring the intersection of New Times and the teaching of English language arts. [Journal Articles]. Changing English: Studies in Culture and Education, 22(3), 282–293.
Hallman, H. L., & Burdick, M. N. (2015). Community Fieldwork in Teacher Education: Theory and Practice [Books]. Routledge.
Pasternak, D., Caughlan, S., Hallman, H. L., Renzi, L., & Rush, L. (2014). Teaching English language arts methods in the United States: A review of the research [Journal Articles]. Review of Education , 2(2), 146–185. https://doi.org/10.1002/rev3.3031
Hallman, H., Pasternak, D. L., Caughlan, S., Renzi, L., & Rush, L. (2014). Context and Implications Document for: Teaching English language arts methods in the United States: a review of the research [Journal Articles]. Review of Education [20496613], 2(2), 186–188. https://doi.org/10.1002/REV3.3032
Hallman, H. L. (2012). Community-Based Field Experiences in Teacher Education: Possibilities for a pedagogical third space [Journal Articles]. Teaching Education, 23(3), 241–263.
Hallman, H. L. (2012). Rhetoric of the Future: Writing and identity at a school for pregnant and parenting teens [Journal Articles]. English in Education: Themed Issue on Writing, 38–55.
Selected Presentations —
Hallman, H. L., & Kindelsperger, A. (4/30/2019). Motherhood as a Curricular Theme: Reconceptualizing Curriculum, Literacy and Learning for School-Age Mothers. American Educational Research Association (AERA) annual conference. Toronto, Canada
Pasternak, D. L., Caughlan, S., Hallman, H. L., Renzi, L., & Rush, L. (11/30/2017). Commitment to change within English teacher education: Using our knowledge to promote dialogue within and beyond the English teacher community. National Council of Teachers of English. Saint Louis, MO
Witte, S., Goering, C., & Hallman, H. L. (6/30/2017). Advocacy, humanity, and hope in teacher education. Conference on English education. Columbus, OH
Hallman, H. L. (4/30/2017). Teaching in uncertain times: Exploring the challenges of millennial teachers. American Educational Research Association. San Antonio, TX
Awards & Honors —
University of Kansas School of Education Budig Teaching Professorship
KU School of Education
KU School of Education
Richard A. Meade award for Outstanding Research in English education
National Council of Teachers of English
National Council of Teachers of English
Meredith Geiger Gould Undergraduate Teaching Award
School of Education, University of Kansas
School of Education, University of Kansas
Grants & Other Funded Activity —
How are English teacher preparation programs educating English teachers to teach in the 21st century? A study of the current practices used to educate English teachers in a time of accountability.. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. $250000.00. Submitted 2/1/2014 (7/1/2014 - 6/30/2015). Other University. Status: Funded
A New Era of English Teacher Preparation: Findings from a national survey. National Council of Teachers of English, Conference on English Education. $4000.00. Submitted 9/15/2013 (1/1/2014 - 5/15/2014). Not-for-Profit (not Foundation). Status: Funded
Service —
Dr. Hallman is involved in the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) and the American Educational Research Association (AERA).