Kwangok Song

- Associate Professor
Contact Info
Office Phone:
Department Phone:
Joseph R. Pearson Hall, room #319
Biography —
Kwangok Song, associate professor, joined the KU faculty in the fall of 2017. Kwangok received an MA and a Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Texas at Austin in 2012, specializing in language and literacy studies. Kwangok's research concerns sociocultural factors and sociocognitive aspects of literacy and learning. She teaches undergraduate literacy methods courses.
Research —
Kwangok's research focuses on the intersection of language, literacy, and learning. She studies emergent bilingual students' language use and literacy practices in and out-of-school contexts. She is also interested in how learning takes place through face-to-face and online classroom discussions across different educational contexts. She draws on qualitative methods in her work, using discourse analysis and ethnographic approaches.
Research interests:
- Bilingual and Biliteracy Practices
- Out-of-school Literacy
- Digital Literacy
- Classroom Discussions
- Online Discussions
- Discourse Analysis
Teaching —
Kwangok Song teaches undergraduate courses related to literacy methods for elementary grades.
Teaching interests:
- Literacy Methods
- Literacy Assessment
- Theories of Reading
Selected Publications —
Song, K., & Keengwe, S. (2020). Asian Immigrant Communities’ Civic Participation in Cultivating Bilingualism and Biliteracy in the United States [Book Chapters]. In Handbook of Research on Engaging Immigrant Families and Promoting Academic Success for English Language Learners.
Song, K., & Cho, B.-Y. (2019). Translanguaging as a (Meta)Cognitive Tool for Navigating and Learning in the Online Environment [Book Chapters]. In R. Rish & D. Pyles (Eds.), Negotiating Place and Space Through Digital Literacies (pp. 77–94).
Song, K., & Cho, B.-Y. (2018). Exploring bilingual adolescents’ translanguaging strategies during online reading [Journal Articles]. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. Published.
Cho, H.-S., Song, K., Lee, J.-Y., Onchwari, G., & Keengwe, J. (2017). Korean immigrant parents’ involvement in children’s biliteracy development in the U.S. context [Book Chapters]. In Handbook of research on pedagogies and cultural consideration for young English language learners (pp. 344–359).
Kim, S. J., Song, K., & Carrola, P. A. (2017). Living together in a diverse world: Conversations about the stories of two mommies and daddies within a Latino/a immigrant community [Journal Articles]. Multicultural Learning and Teaching. Accepted/In Press.
Vogler, J., Schallert, D. L., Jordan, M. E., Song, K., Sanders, A. J. Z., Chiang, Y.-H., Lee, J.-E., Park, J., & Yu, L.-T. (2017). Life history of a topic: How one message brings a class together to co-create meaning in an online discussion [Journal Articles]. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 12(2), 173–194.
Song, K., Williams, K., Pruitt, A., & Schallert, D. (2017). Students as pinners: Using a multimodal social network site to navigate a participatory culture [Journal Articles]. The Internet and Higher Education, 33, 33–40.
Song, K. (2016). "No one speaks Korean at school!”: Ideological discourse on languages in a Korean family’s literacy practices [Journal Articles]. Bilingual Research Journal, 39(1), 4–19.
Song, K. (2016). "Okay, I’ll say it in Korean and then American”: Children’s translanguaging practices in bilingual homes [Journal Articles]. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 16(1), 84–106.
Lee, S., & Song, K. (2016). Exploring the Relationship between Resistance and Perspectival Understanding in Computer-Mediated Discussions [Journal Articles]. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 11(1), 41–58.
Song, K. (2016). Nurturing children’s biliteracy development: A Korean immigrant family’s hybrid literacy practices at home [Journal Articles]. Language Arts, 93(5), 341–353.
Schallert, D. L., Song, K., Jordan, M. E., Lee, S., Park, Y., Kim, T., Cheng, A.-C., Chu, H.-N. R., Vogler, J. S., & Lee, J. E. (2016). Shifts in trajectories in thought communities and “Wobbly” identities enacted in computer-mediated classroom discussions [Journal Articles]. Journal of Educational Research, 80, 49–59.
Jordan, M., Cheng, A.-C. J., Schallert, D. L., Song, K., Lee, S., & Park, Y. (2014). "So I guess my question is”: What is the role of uncertainty and its co-occurrence with learning in computer-mediated discourse? [Journal Articles]. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 9(4), 451–475.
Awards & Honors —
LRA Scholars of Color Transitioning into Academic Research (STAR) mentoring program
2013 - 2015
2013 - 2015
Grants & Other Funded Activity —
Toward an Understanding of Civic Engagement in Bilingual and Biliteracy Education: Community-Based Heritage Language Schools in the United States. $7981.00. Submitted 4/13/2018 (5/14/2018 - 5/14/2020). Other. Status: Funded
Service —
Kwangok Song serves as a co-chair of Area 8 (Literacy Learning and Practice in Multilingual and Multicultural Settings) at Literacy Research Association.